Teaching with Heart

What Stuck With You?

Posted by in Assessment, Social Studies

In my classroom, I used a “What Stuck With You?” chart to evaluate student learning during a unit of study.  I invited students to post sticky notes each week about what they learned, in their own words, on a particular topic. Although the initial contributions required some scaffolding, students quickly became familiar with the process of reflecting on and sharing what they learned.  It allowed students to work with the material at their own pace and to express what was important to them. In addition to gauging what students learned, I used…read more


Hula Hoop Check-In

Posted by in Assessment, Physical Education

In EDCP 320 (P.E. Curriculum), I worked collaboratively with my colleages to create a formative assessment activity.  We designed the assessment as part of a Bhangra dance lesson, a cultural activity with which many students may be unfamiliar, to increase confidence and engagement. In practice, this tool can be adapted to any subject and grade as a means to check-in with students and increase participation. Pre-Assessment At the beginning of the lesson, check in with the students to find out how they feel about learning Bhangra dancing, or the targeted…read more


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