Teaching with Heart

Animal Stretches

Posted by in Physical Education, Science, Social Emotional Learning

Due to the energetic nature of my class, I introduced animal stretches as a way to help students focus on their animal research projects. I created a quiet, calm environment by turning off some of the classroom lights and maintained a calm energy while facilitating different animal stretches. Once I modelled a few poses, students began volunteering to create their own. In addition to developing core body strength, this activity nurtured student creativity and promoted self-regulation.    


Hula Hoop Check-In

Posted by in Assessment, Physical Education

In EDCP 320 (P.E. Curriculum), I worked collaboratively with my colleages to create a formative assessment activity.  We designed the assessment as part of a Bhangra dance lesson, a cultural activity with which many students may be unfamiliar, to increase confidence and engagement. In practice, this tool can be adapted to any subject and grade as a means to check-in with students and increase participation. Pre-Assessment At the beginning of the lesson, check in with the students to find out how they feel about learning Bhangra dancing, or the targeted…read more


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