Teaching with Heart

Story Workshop

Posted by in Language Arts, Social Emotional Learning

In a Kindergarten Curriculum course, I participated in Story Workshop, a program that views children as imaginative storytellers.  Our professor provided us with several natural objects, backdrops, and characters to inspire our own creative tales.  Below, you will find the story my group developed.  It’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) underpinnings contribute to its heartwarming theme. Always Be You There once was a girl who liked to dance. Always wore her tutu and never pants. You could often find her in the hall, twirling and spinning with no care at…read more


Whoever You Are

Posted by in Art, Social Emotional Learning

A pivotal learning experience during my practicum occurred during an activity about diversity. I framed the lesson by showing students three apples that differed in colour and size. As a class, students posed observations about the apples. I then proceeded to cut each apple in half, asking students, once again, what they noticed about the apples. Students engaged in a think-pair-share, then shared their thoughts about the visual demonstration: “Even though the apples all look different, they are the same on the inside”  “All of the apples are exactly the same…read more


Animal Stretches

Posted by in Physical Education, Science, Social Emotional Learning

Due to the energetic nature of my class, I introduced animal stretches as a way to help students focus on their animal research projects. I created a quiet, calm environment by turning off some of the classroom lights and maintained a calm energy while facilitating different animal stretches. Once I modelled a few poses, students began volunteering to create their own. In addition to developing core body strength, this activity nurtured student creativity and promoted self-regulation.    


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