Picture This
- Representing the SEL cohort in UBC’s Day of the Longboat
- Taking risks at the UBC Ropes Course
- Social and Emotional Learning Cohort (2013/2014)
- Exploring the integration of Aboriginal practices through the preparation of bannock
- Exploring Reggio-based spaces in a Kindergarten methodology course
- An invitation to learn for kindergarten students inspired by Elly MacKay’s “If You Hold a Seed”
- Taking advantage of teachable moments in our Science methodology course
- “Educate the Heart” Working with clay in an arts methodology course
- Recycled creation inspired by “Caine’s Arcade”
- Creating emotions using different colours and strokes: Great experiential and exploratory learning task for students
- In a music methodology course, I had the opportunity to play the guitar, djembe drums, and glockenspiel.
- The presentation of a community unit plan outlining opportunities for enactive learning both within and beyond the classroom.
- Positive thoughts activity based on the beloved Pete the Cat tale, “I Love My White Shoes”
- Incorporating SEL through a Scaredy Squirrel friendship lesson
- The indication of an engaging art lesson
- Representing their school at the District Track Meet
- Our appreciation letters to school staff on display at the library
- Field trip to the Surrey International Children’s Festival
- Creating forts out of fallen natural materials during my Community Field Experience visit to Burn Bog
- Mother’s Day Photos
- Linking graphing with jellybeans for Easter
- Participating in Pajama Day with fellow Teacher Candidate, Miss Duncan
- Discovering links to our beaver research on a field trip to Burns Bog
- Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off on a field trip we go!
- Ready to walk in the school Vaisakhi fashion show