My take on the CEL talk this week

After listening to my first community engaged learning talk with a panelist of speakers and previous CAP alumni, I was really intrigued by the points talked about, and the benefits brought up about learning in a community environment. I feel as if there is a big difference between learning about the community and learning through the community. To go more in depth, everyday in the classroom from grade school all the way to university, we sit, listen, and retain information about certain communities, and how they are affected, and their position in society, but through the lens of a teacher or professor. That limits our perspective on how much we can learn about a community and how much we can really impact it. By our CAP professors bringing in people from our community to talk with us, and by allowing us to do projects that enable us to act with our community, it allows us to learn through the community. Just as one of the professors from law and society on the panel mentioned, we are learning with the communities at the same level as them, all integrated together, and not going into the conversation with a superiority feeling, and looking down upon the community from which we are trying to learn. In another sense, we are also contributing back to the community by listening to these talks, because now we can approach marginalized communities with a basic understanding of their position in society, and better be able to approach them with solutions and more equitable conversations. This mutual sharing of information and understanding works in a circle; a circle that our CAP professors have fortunately brought us into with our community engaged learning talks.

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  1. Hi Kendell — great post! Your ideas about the school system limiting our perspectives to a given lens is something that has really resonated with me. Even when taking CAP myself last year, I found it really valuable to make connections to outside perspectives through things like CEL, so I hope that these talks help you to do so!

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