Term 2 Week 1 Blog

After reflecting on term 1, I realized I have learned an abundance of information, and have really been more exposed to issues happening through literature and seeing the counter narratives presented to me. I really enjoyed learning about how most refugee stories and how most history is told through a very western perspective, and most times the story itself isn’t even told by the refugees who have experienced the displacement, but from people very far away who have no idea of the journey they went through. I found it really important to learn about that counter narrative that was presented to us, especially in “The Best We Could Do”. Continuing in term 2, I would love to learn more about counter narratives, and open my eyes to what else in the world is being presented to me in an artificial way. I love uncovering stories for their true meaning, and in this case I would love to read from the true authors of some of these real life experiences like refugee displacement. I would also really like to learn from some of my mistakes last term and work on cutting down the word counts on my assignments and practice really getting to the point so that I don’t lose marks for going over the word count. I hope to do this by going to office hours and getting lots of peer edits to try and synthesize my assignments. 

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