Week 2 Blog

For my research paper I would really like to develop research questions surrounding Exit West, as it was my favourite text that I read last semester and I really enjoyed it and feel it would be a good book to write a paper on. I’m thinking of developing a question that talks about the refugee experience as that’s a common theme throughout my close reading assignment and literary review from last semester. I don’t have an exact question yet as I’m still trying to find connections between the book and my two assignments, and still trying to question what can be researched and what I can investigate. I really like the idea of counter narratives and am interested in how refugees are able to tell their own stories the proper way, so I’d like to make my research surround that. I really want to question how Exit West challenges the traditional refugee story through the use of the doors and through negating borders like no one has ever done before. Once again I really want to figure out and question how refugee stories can be told by people who have never actually experienced these refugee stories, and I want to search for and uncover the actual stories to properly educate myself on these topics. 

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  1. Hi Kendell – this sounds like a great start! I think counter narrative is a great place to start for your topic, especially in a text like Exit West that challenges it so closely, but also in other ASTU texts you’ve read this year. Though this blog post is from a little while ago, I’m looking forward to seeing how your ideas around refugee stories & who ‘can’ tell them will evolve into a concrete research paper!

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