Week 3 Blog- CEL talk!

After watching the Black Cultures in Vancouver Community Engaged Learning Talk, I was really interested to hear how the speakers felt about their sense of community and culture being a black person. I had never really thought of or noticed before that there was not a large black community here at UBC or around the Vancouver area, but I think that definitely comes from my position as being a white person, it’s not something I have to think about. I think it’s really important that everyone notices and recognizes their perspective and background when thinking about our communities in society and where we are, because we can really take advantage of it and overlook other communities. I really liked how Crystal mentioned in the talk that the Black community in Vancouver is not just one place that people come and join, and if you don’t live there you aren’t apart of that community, she mentioned how it’s an ever growing and evolving space and culture that people from all across Vancouver and the world become apart of, and grow together.  I liked how they also talked about making sure that each little bubble that is their own community is not a community that needs to be on its own, and there are so many opportunities and it’s important for all of the little bubbles to come together to create one community all together that can be found in many places. I think this talk can be really inspiring for many Black people at UBC and can give hope for the sense of community there is for all Black people in Vancouver. 

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  1. Hi Kendell – great post! I really like how you’re able to acknowledge how your own identity impacts your interpretations of the talk and of the issues faced by Vancouver’s Black community. It’s so important when studying any issue to be mindful of your own biases & background, and you’re doing a great job of that here!

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