Hello world!

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Guys we’re actually doing it! Another week in uni down and I’m getting more and more comfortable each and everyday. I don’t know about you but I just feel more confident, I’ve talked with professors after classes and raised my hand much more than I thought I would. I’m really enjoying the new atmosphere here and I’m starting to see things as “Interpretive Communities”, and I’m starting to see the roles that these new professors play in my life. I don’t remember exactly what things teachers did in my life to influence them, but now that I’m surrounded by an entirely new batch of people I can definitely see my bias’s. Teachers have had an immense role on my life, they’ve always been this symbol of responsibility, knowledge, and power really. The role that I think a lot of these new professors will play in my interpretive community are the role of examples and sources of knowledge. I don’t not think that these teachers will necessarily be the “care takers” that we had is high school, because I think that the professors here are going to trust us as adults rather than children.


We also learned a lot about growing up fast in the book Persepolis. This young woman Marjane is growing up in this world that is not suitable for human life. I know some of my classmates were able to find her life of turbulence of governmental unrest relatable but that was simply not the case for me. This was extremely eye opening, it gave me a glimpse into what it was like to live the life of one of these refugees. I felt the fear along side her when the bombs first hit, and I also felt her heart break when she left home. I found the first person “Graphic narrative” such an interesting style to write with. It allowed me to connect to the book in new ways. I can definitely see myself reading another one of these, maybe Maus is on the horizon who knows??? Until next time!

