Worksafe BC addressing workplace bullying and harassment

While my manager at work was joking around about light teasing in the workplace, another one reminded him that the law was now going to take it much more seriously.

Bullying in the workplace can be extremely harmful, not only impacting productivity and turnover, but more importantly hurting the victim in a long-term way. Many felt that companies have a responsibility to ensure inappropriate political behaviour does not go too far. But now, the provincial workers compensation board has explicitly mandated this responsibility, by making it possible for claims to made against employers for inadequate protection against harassment.

Under the new policies effective Nov 1st, employers now must, among other things, develop policy statements, and procedures for processing complaints, and conduct bullying prevention training.

This extension of health and safety regulations is an important step in pushing employers to create a more positive work environment, for the sake of society as a whole. Of course, in terms of enforcement, assessing whether the efforts made are adequate will be difficult, but this regulation presents a worthy attempt.

Details on the new regulation can be found at:

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