Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature

Category: Blogs

The End.

Phew almost forgot about writing this blog post.  I was thinking about how funny (to me) it would be if I did what Jon brought up in class before (how to his surprise, no student has just written cuss words 400 times to meet the word count for the blog) but I have decided against […]

Week 13: The Taiga Syndrome

Well, what a way to end the course! With its mentions of fairytales, while also stating it wasn’t a fairytale in the book (17), Cristina Rivera Garza’s “The Taiga Syndrome” was an interesting, but often times confusing read due to the theme of time and what was real or not. Don’t get me wrong, I […]

Week 12: Papi – Rita Indiana

I quite enjoyed reading Papi this week. Rita Indiana does a great job of narrating through the lens of a little girl who enjoys any moment she can have with her father. I found it funny how in the beginning, the narrator describes her father as being “like Jason, the guy from Friday the 13th. […]

Week 11: Distant Star

This week I chose to dive into “Distant Star” by Roberto Bolaño. I enjoyed this week’s reading as it felt like I was reading some sort of mystery crime novel filled with thrilling scenes. As we’ve all realized throughout the weeks, names have importance, and at first glance I thought the novel would be in […]

Week 10 : I, Rigoberta Menchú

This week’s reading was a bit tougher to digest, not only because it was a longer read than I am used to, but also because of the content involved. Rigoberta Menchú highlights key interactions that Indigenous communities face across the globe, through accounts occurring in her “own” life. After watching the lecture, I would like […]

Clarice Lispector : Hour of the Star

This week’s reading was drastically shorter than 100 Years of Solitude, but it did come with a price. Although it was short, it did take me quite a bit of time to finish the book as it was filled with metaphors and vivid imagery through the eyes of Macacbéa. I enjoyed the beginning sentence of […]

100 Years of Solitude: Part 2

Wow, what a read. 100 Years of Solitude was a great novel, one that I am very pleased we got to read in class. The second half of the book wasn’t as great as the first part in my opinion, but that may be due to the fact that reading break is over and I […]

Week 7 – Garcia Marquez

I quite enjoyed reading the first half of 100 Years of Solitude during my reading break. I found it to be an easier read than some of the previous novels we have dived into, except for the fact that the family tree at the beginning was not much help in understanding who the characters were, […]

Week 6 – Pedro Paramo

Hey everyone, This week’s reading was a little better to analyze than last week’s Labyrinth. I enjoyed Juan Rulfo’s use of memory in the novel and allowed us to focus on how powerful it can be. The use of memory alongside death were quite strong in the novel and. The dead residents of Comala are […]

Week 5- Labyrinths

This week’s reading was a different experience for me, and I did not enjoy it as much as I have with the previous books. Luis Borge’s collection of stories were at many times very confusing and hard to follow. Similar to the title, his work put my mind into a maze and made it feel […]

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