Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature

Category: Blogs

Week 4 – Twenty Love Poems

Hey everyone, I don’t usually partake in poetry, but Pablo Neruda’s “Twenty Love Poems” was an interesting read and really allowed me to paint a picture of how Neruda believes love to be. Neruda used such descriptive imagery to convey the emotions he was feeling. These selection of poems were all over the place, but […]

Week 2: The Underdogs

Having some prior knowledge on the Mexican Revolution, I think that the Underdogs portrays a real sense of what was going on at the time through this fictional story. Mariano Azuela’s writing is easy to follow and I enjoyed reading The Underdogs. At times it was quite graphic, but it really painted a picture of […]

Week 2: Mama Blanca’s Memoirs

I personally enjoyed reading the work of Teresa de la Parra this week, and some key themes that stuck out to me included the idea of play we discussed in week 1. There were many times where play was seen in the literature, and connecting them together through the form of play on words and […]

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