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Integration for Real and Relevant Mathematics exploration – T-GEM, IWB, Web 2.0 and silumations

Technology Enhanced Learning Environment:T-GEM, IWB, Web 2.0 and simulations


Subject: Mathematics

Concept: Quadratic equations

This concept is a challenge from personal practice. Another pedagogical challenge experienced is adding relevance and real world application.

Digital Technologies: Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), Graphing Simulation, Web 2.0 technology

The interactive whiteboard was chosen for its interactive capabilities as well as strength in visual display, ease of use for student individual use and manipulation and for ease of integration of real world components and internet access and use.

Pedagogy: 3-step T-GEM cycle

The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) in their 2010 report on Mathematics and Digital Technologies -New Beginnings highlight that IWBs did not make the impact on learning expected, particularly given its affordances. This was concurred in the 2011 report by the Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom. Both highlighted potential problems in the pedagogy, a lack of opportunities for meaningful interaction, and too few opportunities for the use and application of concepts across subject areas. Sutherland et al. (2011) elaborate this point to define a major need for ‘student-led mathematical modelling, problem solving and computer programming which makes use of the powerful mathematical digital technologies that are widely used in society and the workplace’ (p. 3).  The use of pedagogy and models that are centred on presentation and exercises were also highlighted as weaknesses that relegate the use of IWBs to primarily presentational use.

To this end the T-GEM model will be used to inform pedagogical practice alongside digital technology that encourage interaction at the student level and that enables application of concepts across subject areas.



Teacher’s Role and Methods Students’ activities Digital technology Teacher’s work with technology
Prior Experience Teacher provides background information on quadratic equations, including challenge areas, skills needed and how to solve them while linking to other topics Students model solution process IWB (both teachers and students) TPCKTCK
Use of modified KWL charts as a process for solving problems – KWLWPK- What you knowW- What you want to knowL – What have you learntW – What do you want to learn and/or researchP- How and what will you practice Students can further simulate the shape of the graph Graphing simulation – can be used outside of class and extends beyond classroom) TPCKTCK
Generate Students are given a problem to look at the movement of planets in a solar system (specific picture or scenario given, at least three for testing of concepts) and to predict the graph/equation Students gather information on the different planets, the movement and reasons for certain phenomena Students use simulations  to generate relationshipse.g. Forge Fx simulations – – TPCK
Evaluate Students are asked to evaluate actual results and suggest possible reasons for results Students explore and analyse results and other possibilities, researching background information IWB – graph the equation, integrating visuals of the solar system with graphing on the same interface.Graphing simulation TCK
Modify Students are asked to reflect on changes in knowledge constructs and the process of change, why and how did their knowledge change. Students author response, make presentations and comments on others’ presentation Discussion forums (Web 2.0 enabled, synchronous and asynchronous e.g. blogs, discussion posts, Wimba classroom, skype). Also extends classroom.IWB (capture visuals of process and presentation) TPK


Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Khan, S. (2010). New pedagogies for teaching with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 215-232.

National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)

Mathematics and Digital Technologies -New Beginnings

A report Date: September 2010 , Retrieved February 23, 2012

Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom.(2011). A report from a working group of the Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom. Chaired by Professor Rosamund Sutherland. Edited by Dr Alison Clark-Wilson, Professor Adrian Oldknow and Professor Rosamund Sutherland , Retrieved February 22, 2012

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