Knowledge Diffusion and the Social Construction of Knowledge in Online Networked Communities – Investigation of Second Life and Virtual Field Trips
Second Life and Virtual Field Trips – Second Life and Virtual field trips: facilitating math/science knowledge/skills
How is knowledge relevant to math and science possibly generated in these networked communities?
In looking at the question of how knowledge relevant to math and science in networked communities I am drawn to an earlier portfolio entry of my concept and definition of math and science skills/knowledge with the latter identified primarily as: enquiry, concepts, exploration/procedures, observation and critical thinking and analysis and logical construction of hypotheses and testing. The generation of such knowledge is enabled within second life and virtual field trips primarily through interactive activities, interaction with concepts or organisms within virtually realistic simulations of real environments and through the creation of a collaborative and extended learning community.
Second Life
Second Life is a virtual environment in which learners can create an avatar and engage in a virtual world of learning. In Second Life learning communities can be created that offer interactives and simulations with games and experiments based on concepts and methodologies. Avatars are able to engage in self-directed activities and to explore independently. The virtual world explored in Second Life enables authoring and creating that involve mathematical and science skills for which they can have intellectual property over creations [The Economist, 2006]. Exploration and Collaborative goal oriented processes are explored. Institutions such as Drexel University have utilized Second Life in creating a virtual learning space in which knowledge can be diffused and generated through virtual classroom settings in teaching (including lectures -PowerPoint presentations, assessments – quizzes and presentation) and in collaboration (through joining communities in a central pace) and research. Drexel even houses information on libraries and library access.
Virtual Field Trips and Web-Based Science Expeditions
For me the greatest affordance of virtual field trips and web-based science expeditions is the ability for students to participate in virtual scientific explorations, particularly of geographically remote places. Learning is real and relevant as members of the community participate in real images and expeditions through field trips. Virtual field trips are an essential aspect of scientific knowledge through development of concepts and phenomena and on skills in observation, and interpretation and analysis of observed organism or phenomena in a real environment/context. Knowledge is further diffused through the availability of and interaction with real scientists conducting real experiments with whom students can interact act with and ask questions. For example, in Field Trip Earth students are able to view video tapes of the organisms in their natural habitat and to interact with researchers who are actively involved in the research and if not then to view their notes.
Virtual versus Real
Of the two I believe that Virtual field trips offer an advantage in adding expert and real life contact for students, which is important in clarifying misconceptions and evaluating observations et al. as well as in contextualising, clarification and modification of knowledge.
Opportunity for Pedagogical Models
Both models allow for some level of GEM (Generate Evaluate Modify) and POE (predict observe evaluate) models. The opportunities to evaluate and modify/ clarify knowledge and/or observations are increased in Virtual field trips with the ability to interact with experts and actual researchers and/or view their notes. Levels of reflection and scaffolding are not readily seen but can be directed through defiined tasks although that may reduce the levels of open endedness and fun to the activities/process.
Drexel Island on Second Life (2007). Drexel University
Virtual Field Trips – Field Trip Earth