Module B – Design of TELE
Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences (TELE)
Module B looked at the design of technology-enhanced learning experiences (TELE) and the implication technology has for students, teachers, activities, process of learning and instructional design. Technology integration was explored through the exploration and discussion of rationale for such designs by drawing on theories of learning and the cognitive and social affordances as well as the limitations and constraints of TELE. The active use of TELE was also explored along with investigation and customisation of activities for teachers and students.
I. Definition/Metaphor of Technology
To begin this exploration definitions and expectations of technology were explored. My central philosophy of technology was consistent with my experience shown in my auto e-orgaphy and my assumptions with that of technology and so technology for me becomes more than the tools but also the processes and skills. Definition/Metaphor of Technology.
II. Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning for Math and Science
The changing tools also defined what I considered technology. In teacher education we are taught that educational technology represents all tools used to enhance learning. It is so interesting now that merely using a whiteboard has been associated with chalk and talk methodologies but what of effective pedagogy regardless of the tool? My definition/metaphor of technology shows that technology also becomes a way of thinking and affordances/opportunities enabled. What of how we integrate the tools and what they facilitate? These were central questions that formed elements within my assumptions of good and effective technology? Such questions centred my exploration of pedagogy for technology enhanced learning environments (TELE) for Math and Science and the cognitive and social affordances as well as the limitations and constraints of these TELE.
I investigated a number of pedagogical models and TELE exploring the implications technology has for math and science students, the teaching practice, curriculum development, and educational contexts. Comparisons to personal teaching experiences/methodologies and customisation of lessons and /or challenges added to the wealth of my exploration in being able to assess, design, utilise and/or modify TELE for math and science classrooms.
III. TELE and pedagogical explorations
- I. Investigating Technology Enhanced Learning Environments – The Jasper Series showed a strong model for integrating Constructivism, animation and real and authentic learning. Multiple intelligences are catered for (Gardner, 1983).
- II. Perspectives on Anchored Instruction – The Jasper Symposium. The theoretical framework underpinning the Jasper series is on anchored learning in which instruction is anchored on solving a complex problem. With new media and technology available then interaction with and extrapolation of problem solving activities are strengthened and increase possibilities for meaningful learning experiences.
- III.Technology Enhanced Learning Environment – WISE. Inquiry-based learning and scaffolding knowledge integration supported anytime anywhere, through internet connectivity, access to lessons. WISE was created to integrate knowledge on these three levels in one learning environment: science content, scientific inquiry skills, and epistemic knowledge (Snyder et al., 2002).What I like most about WISE is the ability to have a fully functional environment with naturally embedded feedback systems and anytime anywhere access, and a border-less classrooms. Using informed research on how students learn and how instruction is successful the power of the internet and communication tools such as reflection and discussion through distributed cognition fueled the design of WISE in a no software approach, with embedded tools for cognition and metacognition organized in a step by step process (Slotta & Linn, 2009). For further discussion on developing a WISE project view Developing a WISE project which also looks at comparisons with the Jasper Adventures. Perceived limitations, hindrances or constraints related to WISE were and the customisation of a WISE project was also explored.
- IV.LFU and WorldWatcher –Research and application of the Learning for Use (LFU) and WorldWatcher models were based primarily on the lack of integration of content studies with the inquiry process and for inquiry to play more of a role in scientific learning.
- V. WorldWatcher LFU principles and design elements – shows extensions for the mathematics classroom looking at steps/processes and associated design strategies and student experience looking at challenges and the suggestion of additional design features for the Mathematics environment
- VI.T-GEM, IWB, Web 2.0 and simulations – This exploration looked at a challenge I faced in my College Mathematics class in that of enabling authentic learning, particularly with abstract concepts. I focused on the T-Gem methodology while integrating technologies such as IWB, Web 2.0 tools and simulations to add real and relevant learning to the concept of solving quadratic equations.
- VII.Integrating Pedagogical models and Digital technologies – provides a synthesis of WISE, MYWORLD, JASPER and CHEMLAND including analyses and comparisons according to learning goals and theories, teacher’s/designer’s use of projects, possible gaps and the social and cognitive affordances including metacognition and activities for success