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Embodied Pedagogy

Can technology exist as embodied pedagogy?

Initially I looked at a metaphor of technology that primarily looked at the tools, processes and activities but as the exploration continued(s) I am more and more convinced that good technology should have embodied pedagogy. A number of models investigated show the infusion of pedagogy but do the technologies themselves have embodied technology? As I discussed, the concept of cyborgs looks at the increasing seamless integration and reduction of boundaries of separation of man, technological tools and sytems. Within educational technology I would extend the latter to include pedagogy. Embodied knowledge has a large focus on the action of the body in developing that knowledge. However, I would like to extend the discourse to the physical interaction with the tools and the pedagogy embodied within those tools, and as such all people, systems and processes will seamlessly integrated as seen in the methaphor for technology.

Dreyfus notes Merleau-Ponty’s theory that our skills are acquired by ‘dealing with things and situations, and in turn they determine how things and situations show up for us as requiring our responses’ (Dreyfus). In essence these are what simulations are there to promote, a context and engaged reaction. The more realistic the simulation then the more embodiments of skills are likely to occur, or should rather.

ITC – Use Simulations In a Classroom- Integrating Technology In The Classroom (Diana)

ITC – Use Simulations In A Science Class – Integrating Technology In The Classroom (Diana)



Harraway, Donna (1991b) ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technoogy, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century’ in Harraway, Donna Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: the Reinvention of Nature London: Free Association Books

Hubert L. Dreyfus . A Phenomenology of Skill Acquisition as the basis for a Merleau-Pontian Nonrepresentationalist Cognitive Science.

ITC – Use Simulations In a Classroom- Integrating Technology In The Classroom, –

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