
Kevin’s ePortfolio MET Site:


“An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive.”– Basil S. Walsh

Welcome to my online learning e-Portfolio website. At the moment, I am an intermediate technology teacher of over 900 students along with serving as network administrator. On a regular day I can be found running around between classes fixing computers, restoring deleted files, running network wires, taking photos for the yearbook, and updating the school’s website and twitter/flickr feeds.

Over the past 12 years in teaching I’ve had the opportunity to work with and assist teachers, school administrators, and district personnel with their technology plans to help further implement technology in the classroom. Below is a list of important blog posts, links, and videos that you may find helpful while you are browsing:

Interesting Posts To Read:


1. Synthesis:  (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Dec. 2nd, 2012)

As I contemplate what my focus was at the beginning of this course, I have come to realize that my flight path was very detailed and ambitious in every sense…..

|CLICK HERE| to read more.


2. Course Site (LMS):  (posted by: kevinandrews on Friday Nov. 30th, 2012)

MOODLE has given me the ability to develop any type of web-based school curriculum into an online, flexible, and interactive learning model using 21st century learning……

|CLICK HERE| to read more.


3. Digital Story “Great Canadian” (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Nov. 11th, 2012)

To be considered a ‘Great Canadian’ is a distinction only offered to people who do extraordinary things in their life. It is a distinction that is given to people who stand out from the crowd selflessly putting ……

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4. LMS Exam Assessment:  (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Oct. 28th, 2012)

My Moodle course is designed to support both asynchronous and synchronous modalities in my grade nine, Canadian Studies classroom. It will employ Web 2.0 activities ……

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5. LMS Proposal:  (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Oct. 9th, 2012)

Mount Pearl Intermediate is proposing to design, develop, and implement a Learning Management System (LMS), which will run on a server (computer) running open-source software called Moodle. This server…….

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6. Proposed Flightpath: (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Oct. 9th, 2012)

In my experience, students are easily motivated when technology is seamlessly integrated into instruction and teachers are more willing to embrace technology when they are comfortable using it. This has been…….

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7. Group Evaluation Rubric: (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Oct. 9th, 2012)

Our team has created an evaluation rubric to help guide the decision making process for the leadership team at BCCampus. Based upon our research, we would like to recommend that BCcampus consider the SECTIONS framework…….

|CLICK HERE| to read more.


8. TheNETS.t Self Assessment: (posted by: kevinandrews on Sunday Oct. 9th, 2012)

There are a couple of quotes related to technology and learning that I keep in my list of reminders and after reading the ‘2008 Internationally Accepted Standards’ fact sheet I thought it…….

|CLICK HERE| to read more

Related Videos:

1. Moodle LMS 2.0 New and Improved:

This screencast demonstrates some of the new and improved features of the Moodle 2.0 learning management system software.

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Aspects covered include navigation, blocks, themes, editing and file management, resources, activities, learning path management and community hubs.

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