Course Site (LMS)

Moodle has given me the ability to develop any type of web-based school curriculum into an online, flexible, and interactive learning model using 21st century learning techniques.  From online testing to peer-based assessment activities, I do believe Moodle can handle it all. I have learned so much using this LMS and yet it seems like there is still so much more to explore. My final reflection on building an LMS is difficult to write because I consider my Moodle LMS a work-in-progress. Using and assigning groups, working with SCROM packages, and moderating a class Wiki are other activities I aspire to perfect. It is my intention to integrate more applications and master more of the Moodle environment, but my time under the ETEC 565A roof is coming to an end. Reflecting on this, my feelings toward creating a mock-Moodle under a deadline has made me more aware of the time and scheduling demands that professional course designers must face.

Generally, I’ve discovered that designing an LMS is a time consuming process which requires a great deal of research, reflection and a strong understanding of educational design. In addition, I feel the process of creating an LMS is greatly improved by the knowledge shared from the application of frameworks for selecting and assessing learning technologies. The National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS, 2008), Chickering and Ehrmann’s (1996)  Implementing the 7 Principles, Bates & Pools’ (2003) SECTIONS framework and Anderson’s (2008) Toward a Theory of Online Learning have geatly influenced my design process. In addition to these academic publications, I also feel that my participation in the course collaborative learning community focused on LMS design was another the key to my success.  My ETEC 565A peers helped me understand the finer points of Moodle, how to improve my course design, and how to overcome difficulties I encountered.

The Moodle components that I had to include based on the assignment outline were challenging to complete. I spent a great deal of time researching how to properly develop my communication tools, determining the best way to implement a peer-based workshop, organize the learning modules for time, and learning how to restrict activities.  After participating in forums, practicing in the Moodle environment and reading up on Moodle design techniques (YouTube/, my abilities and comfort level increased. I’ll admit that I never really got to a point were I could say I’ve mastered one task assigned (especially figuring out how to program a module for selective release),  but I feel as if I am now to a point where I could begin developing a Moodle LMS for the school I currently teach at. With that said, it is my understanding that MOODLE does not support ‘selective release’ as well as Vista or Blackboard, but I learned techniques such as the the “hide” function, or the ‘restrict using time sensitivity’ within the settings of the learning modules to compensate.

On my splash page, I decided to use images that are consistent throughout the mock-LMS which provide a visual hook for students.  It was my intention to get students to appreciate the colorful and engaging images that connect to a Canadian theme throughout the LMS which should help motivate them to click on the next Canadian flag to learn more. In an effort to keep students organized, I also decided to include an overview page that will have all of the module links, readings, descriptions, activities and assignments as I feel this might be a good place for students to keep going back to. YouTube videos were also embedded in some sections in addition to several art work photos by students from my school in an attempt to keep the content engaging and local. As well, in an attempt to learn more on HTML, I’ve included throughout the LMS that each link and image has the correct alt attribute assigned to it in the effort to accommodate the navigation of student’s using screen-reading software. Also on the splash page I included roll-over images to the flags in an attempt to give it more of a professional look and feel. I have also tested the site with the W3C Markup Validation Service to ensure my code has little HTML errors. With the development of the new hand held devices I’ve also done testing and can say that the LMS is compatible with all iOS and Android devices.

Considering all that I’ve learned in ETEC 565A during my LMS development, I cannot believe how far I’ve come. My LMS design activity has made me more aware of multimedia, integration, frameworks for selecting technologies, and educational design skills. Applying NETS (2008), I feel I have designed a digital learning experience for my students, modelled digital age learning and engaged in professional growth. I have also made every effort to increase Anderson’s (2008) student-teacher, student-student and student-content interactions in my LMS by including resource links, collaborative activities and a variety of communication tools.

By designing for interactions, I have satisfied the principles of encouraging contact between students and faculty, developing reciprocity and cooperation between students, providing prompt feedback (forums and tests with programmed feedback, e-mail) and respecting diverse ways of learning (Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996). Finally, Bates & Poole’s (2003) SECTIONS model has guided my overall design especially the ”Students” component. I believe the applications I’ve selected to enhance my LMS environment are appropriate for both elementary and intermediate students. I feel my MOODLE environment is suitable for all students within and intermediate or high school program because it incorporates resource links, group work, and various communication tools in a collaborative environment.

For an Instructor or Teacher to take on this task alone is a lot to ask for, however some will do it because of the challenge it offers and the benefits they will realize from its completion. I believe if I could have one resource to help me design and develop a course as an LMS, I would seek a confident design specialists to assist me with HTML coding of the site. In turn this would free up my efforts to focus on the design of the course and the development of the content.

My biggest challenges with the LMS were learning the technical aspects of Moodle and finding/developing the content. Both came together in the end, but not without some rework and frustration. This all leads one to work on the edge or outside of one’s comfort zone, which is good according to Lev Vygotsky. Vygostsky (Wikipedia) defined this as the zone of proximal development. I spent a lot of time in this zone, thus this assignment allowed me to develop new knowledge, skills and abilities.

In my final reflection, I must state that I am far from being a “Moodle Master”. However, my confidence has greatly improved as I have already configured and setup a complete Moodle site for my school that will be used in the new year.  It is my intention to provide workshops for my colleagues in the new year with the intention of integrating the LMS as an online teaching tool for next year. With that in mind, there are still challenges that I will need to overcome, and skill sets that I will need to further develop. For instance, I would like to improve on the areas of Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), assessment strategies and in creating integrative multimedia projects for students within a Moodle course. Because I’ve setup the Moodle sever and have full control over it’s configuration, I am hopeful to indulge into all the community plugins and themes. Hot Potatoes, Google Apps integration, Slideshow, Aardvark Postit theme, Upload PDF, Checklist, and Drag’n’drop upload are just a few on my list. Although I have a long way to go, I feel confident and encouraged to apply my LMS design skills and to encourage other teaching professional to learn more about LMS design.

Anderson, T. (2008). Towards a theory of online learning.  In: Anderson, T. & Ellioumi, F. Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University. Accessed online 15, Nov, 2012, from

Bates A. W. & Poole, G. (2003). A Frameword for Selecting and Using Technology. In A.W. Bates & G. Poole, Effective teaching with Technology in Higher Educaiton (pp. 75-108). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Chickering, A.W., & Ehrmann, S. C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 39 (7), 3-7.  Available online 10, Nov, 2012, from

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. (2008). Accessed online 22, Nov, 2012, from

Wikipedia (n.d.) Zone of Proximal development  Retrieved Nov 25, 2012 from

Additional Information:
LMS Site Password: zUtX+7aB

3 thoughts on “Course Site (LMS)

  1. Добрый вечер.

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