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Archive for December, 2010

Dumpster Diving

I had a pleasant half hour reading an old WIRED article called Dumpster Diving written by Torontonian Cory Doctorow. It is all about a man named Darren who makes a huge living salvaging electronics from Toronto’s dumpsters. Granted environmental legislation has taken a bite out of that business because of garbage police who insist that […]

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The “P” Word

According to a report on the Canadian Statistics site, Canadian GDP dropped 2.9% in 2009. With China’s GDP continuing to fly like a rocket, the Canadian figure should be setting off an alarm bell to the parliament. Why is that? Could it have something to do with the Nation aversion to discussing the “p” word […]

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Moral vs. $$

The goal of companies are to make profit. They are free to take any measure or action within the laws and regulations set by the government to maximize their profit. Unfortunately some companies are willing to take the risk of practicing unethically action for their own benefit. Sometimes they get away with it, but when […]

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On October 10, 2010, Virgin Galactic had its first successful sub-orbital flight. This marks another milestone for human in the space exploration. Not only will it serve commercially but also provide support to “agency exploration, science and aeronautics mission” for NASA. Reference. NASA will also rely on Virgin Galactic to provide transportation to the International […]

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