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Archive for the 'Comm 296' Category

Virgin Galactic Fly High

I still remember as a kid, lying down on the grass watching the night sky. I was amazed by the sheer size of the universe and how each glimpse of light could be a planet, a star, or even a whole entire galaxy. I had a sudden realization how minute we are compare to such […]

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A bite out of Apple

When it comes to electronic gadgets, I have always fallen in the late majority group in adoptation. This was no different for the ever so popular Apple product line. Even today, I am still hesitant to put my hands on Apple products because of its limited compatibility. In 1995, Jobs was reinstated as the CEO […]

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A Rocket with no Fuel

Honda introduced its dexterous and sporty hybrid coupe, Honda CR-Z, in January 2010. The new model combines the ever-so-popular hybrid technology and elements of a sports car. The result is almost a replica of the famous Honda CR-X from the 1980’s, a two seater and somewhat fuel efficient coupe that is without the horsepower. Wait a […]

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