Microsoft Windows 10?!


According to Terry Myerson, a Microsoft executive, if you are challenged with the recent updates in Windows 8, don’t be to concerned as there isn’t much time prior to the next roll out phase of its newest version of Microsoft’s operating system, the Windows 10. The newest update will provide familiarity of Windows 7 with some of the components of Windows 8.

A huge disappointment with Windows 8 was that Microsoft did hang on to the old desktop. The company is playing it safe once again as they did not have the confidence to force people to adopt its vision of the future.

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He also said that Microsoft Windows 10 is allowing apps to match different devices, types and sizes. Microsoft also improved its business features today, and this is just a proof that the new release of the version will be offering more customize and better management characteristics for companies. The company claims that this will be the greatest of the entire Windows version.

Windows 10 is more of looking back than the expectations to move forward. Microsoft listened to their critics and brought back the traditional start menu options that users are familiar from Windows 7. It will have the same window icon that opens the pop up showing folders, settings, command prompts and others.

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The new software is expected to be released to public in late 2015 but beta testers and developers can have access to it sooner.

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