Facebook getting more uptight with “Brand Ads”


Many brands will find more challenges in advertising within Facebook, starting now basically you need to pay for it. The company just recently announced that limiting the quantity of promotional page posts in News Feed would start around January. In exchange, you’ll see less post from brands promotion within your newsfeed and in other words, Facebook is hunting down on brands that try to share ad-style content with their followers, unless they pay for the ads.

What I feel is that Facebook is critically changing the game for advertisers who originally motivated to increase their “Like” totals on brand Pages so they could promote brand contents efficiently without paying anything for reach. In actuality, some brands did spend some money for “Page Like” ads over the years.

Facebook reached this conclusion after they successfully finished preferences survey to more than 500,000 users, comparing the likes and dislikes within News Feed content. Most users said the ad-like calls to action and product pushes were “too promotional” and “All of this means that Pages that post promotional creative should expect their organic distribution to fall significantly over time,” Facebook wrote. Lastly Facebook stated that this change would not affect the number of ads users see in their News Feed. Therefore while users won’t see as much ad-like posts from brands that they follow, those posts won’t be bombarded by sponsored content.


Eventhough this strategy angers many brands in the process, many of whom spent lots of time building up their image. It is purely intended to create better experience for Facebook users that doesn’t want to see many ad-like posts at News Feed.  Nonetheless this move just seems like another profit-oriented situation and they might be disguising as if they care about the users by inserting less ads in people’s timeline.



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