Online shopping vs Malls


There are many shopping centres that have been a victim of cyberselling ever since the age of online technology risen up, it squeeze the bricks-and-mortar stores. The malls couldn’t generate revenue as much as before nowadays and they have been quite desperate in finding solutions in not being a victim.

Previous year, the data findings has found that e-commerce made up just 4.5% of total Canadian retail sales, however people have been predicting that a jump to 8.2% will happen. Couple of these changes have already been negatively affecting couple retailers around the world such as fashion specialist and even the Big-box retailers i.e, electronics specialist (Best Buy) and office supplies supplier (Staples).


Their strategies to fight back this unfortunate situation are to pump up their physical location with variety of entertainment and digital attractions that might retain “physical” shoppers in coming, as we know that most consumers preferences are shifting towards going online. Malls are also starting to utilize and manage their space differently since some retailers used e-commerce pick-up order base.

However most malls and retailers still dominantly focusing in understanding how to economically drive the deliverance of e-commerce orders to customers. Also logistical limitations do exist upon their e-commerce pick-up base process which is the difficulties for more trucks to arrive as malls are located in congested city centres. In conclusion, digital does blows up people’s business.


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