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In one of Allison’s Cheng’s blog post, she talks about how the video game company Nintendo is planning to make its move into the smartphone gaming market. Nintendo is most known for producing physical gaming consoles thus this innovation opens a whole new market.

I completely agree with one idea Allison points out; the quality of the games can be compromised. I know about this because I have experienced it. Games that are played in gaming consoles are completely different when played in a smaller device such as the phone. Graphics, controls, character’s movements, and the whole gaming experience changes when one switches to a smaller device. However, not everyone possesses a gaming console but most do have a phone. Playing a game in a phone is more practical, can be done anywhere and does not require a whole setup, thus, this new move into the smartphone gaming market can turn out to be really beneficial despite the fact that the quality of the game is reduced.

However, I must disagree with Allison when she considers Nintendo’s move into the smartphone gaming market a disruptive innovation. Video game giants such as EA Sports, Sega or Activision have already entered this market with their professional and sophisticated games. Nintendo has not done so yet so we can’t decide whether its move will disrupt the market. If the company manages to revolutionize the smartphone gaming experience with their entrance, then this would be considered a disruptive innovation. Only time will tell.


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