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RIM announces that their revenue for the second quarter of 2012 is $566 million higher than their projected $2.87 billion. RIM’s stock opened at $8.19, highest in the last couple months; later closed at $7.50 (+5.04%).

While RIM is hoping to be saved with the upcoming devices that will run Blackberry’s new operating system, BB10, many analysts say that may not be the case. Blackberry released its newest line of operating system and phones not too long ago, Blackberry 7. While most of the owners of these Blackberry 7 devices are loyal Blackberry users, they have only owned the device for 1 or 2 quarters. To the consumer, it is not the time to upgrade phones at the BB10 release date.

The BB10 release date is projected to be January 2013. By that time, a new line of phones from RIM’s competitors like Apple, Android, Win8 will have already launched into the market. The release date of BB10 will really test the loyalty of RIM’s customers. Will they switch or move away.

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