Re: Freedom in a digital world

Posted by: | November 19, 2012 | 1 Comment









In Seth Godin’s blog about the digital freedom in modern era, he talks about how so many problems could be fixed if we were to incorporate different marketing strategy and blatantly invade each other’s privacy. For instance, he describes about how we now have the technology and capabilities to sequence each and every DNA of every residents, or install numerous cameras within the city so that “every corner is under surveillance”. He talks about how useful it would be if we were to install an automatic speed measure device so that when you go over the speed limit, you are automatically charged with a ticket. He imagines a world in which every bullet fired can be traced back to its origin. Every car has an installed Breathalyzer device which allows cars to start only if the driver passes the alcohol test.

Seth’s imagination is crucial towards knowing the boundary between what is efficient for the society, and what is the invasion of private rights of people. With B.C. hydro’s smart meter deadline approaching very quickly, it is fundamentally important for people to realize what they are getting themselves involved into. Every movement and decisions that you make being recorded, processed, and analyzed by the marketers, financiers, and politicians. It is a microscopic era of the Big Brothers in 1984. Now, we don’t want that to happen, do we?


Sources Cited

Godin, Seth. “Seth’s Blog.” Seth’s Blog. N.p., 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>.


1 Comment so far

  1. CBD Dietitian on October 19, 2022 5:19 am

    informative blog having nice information

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