Re: Freedom in a digital world

Posted by: | November 19, 2012 | 1 Comment

                In Seth Godin’s blog about the digital freedom in modern era, he talks about how so many problems could be fixed if we were to incorporate different marketing strategy and blatantly invade each other’s privacy. For instance, he describes about how we now have the technology and capabilities […]

27.5 Trillion Dollar man: Leo Wanta

Posted by: | November 19, 2012 | 11 Comments

Who is this man. The first time that I was introduced of the name, Leo Wanta was mere 5 days ago, on Nov 14th, 2012. It is to no surprise that you, the reader, are not familiar with who he is, and what he has done. Many conspiracies arise when I was researching about who […]

United States: Fiscal Cliff

Posted by: | November 18, 2012 | Leave a Comment

After Barack Obama regained his position as the President of United States of America for  four more years , one major concern remains in its citizen’s mind: Fiscal Cliff, or as many say “Taxmageddon”. Everyone says “Fiscal Cliff, Fiscal Cliff”, but do they really know what it means and how it will affect the economy? […]

RIM: Comeback??

Posted by: | November 5, 2012 | Leave a Comment

            Since its peak in 2008, the share price of RIM(Research in Motion) has tumbled down to 5% of its original value. Many analyst concur on the fact that the reason RIM’s stock price diminished so dramatically reflected its inability to adapt quickly to the rapidly-changing smart phone market, which in […]

With the current presidential poll standing at 49% for Obama and 48% for Mitt Romney, No one can determine with exact prediction who will be the president of United States for 2013 to 2017 period; however general consensus is leaning more towards Obama’s victory. In order to hypothesize how S&P 500 will be affected for the upcoming year, […]

The big news this week regarded environmental disasters. Starting from an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 which occurred on B.C. coast on 27th October, 2012, the next big thing is coming towards NYC: Hurricane Sandy. Although the tsunami which hit Haida Gwaii and Port Edward had a negligible effect on the population, Hurricane Sandy is […]

Can Celikyilmaz’ Blog in How BP failed on contingency planning has provided me with an insight of how important the reputation of the company really is. John R. Kimberly of CNN defines the negativity on the reputation of BP(British Petrol) as “damage that threatens its very existence.” No matter how good the quality of the oil is, reputation […]

Can Tim Horton’s Expand??

Posted by: | October 7, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Sally Chen’s blog of explaining how Tim Horton’s had come to become an iconic symbol of Canada has prompted me to dive deeply into the business structure of “Timmy Ho’s” .  Consequently, through analysis and examinations of Tim Horton’s structure, values, and its products, I have come to realize the enormous obstacle that Tim Horton’s […]

The Return of Group-on?

Posted by: | September 30, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Since its strong public market launch in November 2011, Groupon, the pioneer of  online dealing service companies, has been losing its users, as its IPO(Initial Public Offering) of $26.11(NASDAQ)  declined to its present value of  $4.76.  Whether Groupon is desperate in the state that it currently occupies, or from its starting interest in a different […]

Apple products have become prevalent electronic products during the first decade of the 21st century. Aside from their utility and fashion, apple products have a tragic story behind its illuminating cover. Foxconn is a Taiwan-based company that is responsible for most of the manufacturing of apple products. Many of their factories are based in mainland China, […]

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