The entrepreneurial skills of the CEO from Byron Capital Markets

In the summer of 2011 I was given the opportunity to work for one of the best Investment companies in Toronto: Byron Capital Markets.

Byron Capital Markets is an Investment Bank in Toronto that primarily deals with financing rare earth, commodity and precious metals projects. Campbell Becher is the CEO of the company since 2009 and has demonstrated incredible entrepreneurial skills to myself, which I was able to link to their current business performance within the industry.

He is extremely dedicated towards working culture. He is the first one in the office in the morning and the last one to leave. This shows his motivation and the incentive of motivation he gives to his employee’s.

His specific adaption to clients inquiries enables him to be innovative. Because he listens and responds to the clients he services, he makes the most precise and effective changes to ensure their loyalty and satisfaction. Furthermore the time consumed in this process is minimized through high communication and ability of employee’s to adapt once factors of finance projects change. This maximizes the firm’s profit, and minimizes the risk to a low extent; hence his business can be classified as tremendously successful due to entrepreneurial skills.

Word Count: 200



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