Breaking Ice

Khaled Amin's Blog

Filling your company with Athletes: The race to success

The Forbes article considered in this blog post suggests that businesses should start employing athletes. Athletes, you ask?… Yes, Athletes. The 6 athletic attributes: They never give up They achieve their goals They develop new skills They are exceptional entrepreneurs They strive for balance They work well with partners and teams The reason why this […]

How to treat ill companies: Business Medicine

The world has changed ever so significantly in the past century, let alone decade. Our ways of living have shifted into a newer, more technology dependant paradigm. With this tsunami of a change, it is not surprising that businesses such as BlackBerry would rip apart from its ground foundation and get swept away with the […]

The 21st Century: How to cope with the future

The future has meant countless changes and modifications in already existing markets, and has also birthed the arrival of new and unique markets that have never set face to our world. In a fast growing economy that extinguishes old and obsolete systems, businesses are forced to shift strategies and discard traditions that have set them […]

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