How to treat ill companies: Business Medicine

by khaledamin

The world has changed ever so significantly in the past century, let alone decade. Our ways of living have shifted into a newer, more technology dependant paradigm. With this tsunami of a change, it is not surprising that businesses such as BlackBerry would rip apart from its ground foundation and get swept away with the moving tide, and drown with the rubble and wreckage left to waste by, emerging, and ever so powerful companies such as Apple and Samsung. The smartphone industry has left BlackBerry dumb. It was a movement that penetrated like a bullet train, breaking through the BlackBerry Message empire and only leaving the ruins of a once successful product. But why doesn’t BlackBerry just compete in the smartphone industry? A question that would seem obvious to ask at first, but when looked into, one comes to the realization that Samsung’s Galaxy smartphone series and Apple’s iPhone series have already spread their roots into the hearts of potential consumers. The article chosen reads “Who isn’t on the list of rumoured potential BlackBerry suitors that surfaced this weekend?” and emphasizes the downfall of BlackBerry by mentioning potential suitors whom hold interest in buying out the company. This buyout would definitely help BlackBerry pick up the rubble and reconstruct, but strategies for rebuilding are limited.
