The 21st Century: How to cope with the future

by khaledamin

The future has meant countless changes and modifications in already existing markets, and has also birthed the arrival of new and unique markets that have never set face to our world. In a fast growing economy that extinguishes old and obsolete systems, businesses are forced to shift strategies and discard traditions that have set them back and behind market leaders. By 2017 Ford claim to improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase production, and respond more quickly to changing consumer tastes by building and average of 4 different vehicles per plant, and by also expanding into Brazil, China, India and Russia, all of which are countries that are undergoing economic growth. Flexibility is a very important factor in the car industry, because having the ability of responding to consumer demands efficiently and rapidly means that Ford can step up into the ladder of market leaders by delivering a product that best suits its market. Expansion into developing countries also means that Ford can establish a solid market share and gain a competitive advantage by responding to demographic changes. However, will Ford regain it’s pre-War status? Can it reproduce the very painting Henry Ford shocked the world with?
