Breaking Ice

Khaled Amin's Blog

Review: “Lululemon- Not For Everyone According to Founder”

In  the “Lululemon- Not For Everyone According to Founder” blog post, Mathew highlights the significance of a comment that the founder of Lululemon, Chip Wilson, made. “Quite frankly, some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for it.” This comment refers to how Lululemon apparel doesn’t “work” on some women’s bodies, implying that you have to […]

Review: “Apple: Brand Image > Innovation?”

Safira raises a very good, and important point in her blog post “Apple: Brand Image > Innovation?”. The point she argues is that, nowadays, brand image, not innovation, would win a customer over. The example she uses is the iPhone5S and iPhone5C, both of which benefited from large amounts of sales, however, neither of which […]

Green is my favourite colour

One of the biggest differences I have noticed in Canada in comparison to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where I spent the last 18 years of my life, is that everything here is Green. Not green in the sense that there are a lot of plants and trees, thats cool, but green in the sense that the […]

Maybe its time to change?

Before entering university, my perception of business was people changing the world,  of which whom go out there and make a positive change, become an inspiration, leaders, something that connects with humanity. As I began attending classes, my whole perception was polluted with a different side to business. Boring spread sheets, boring numbers, boring graphs, […]

An unfruitful situation.

I’ll come out clean this time, I hate Apple. I hate their “ethics”, I hate their motives, I hate how they treat consumers, and I hate how they’re still successful and wrong at the same time.  So what is the problem? The problem is that Apple have absolutely no clue on how to treat their […]

Information Power

Information power is basically a phrase that sums up the fact that anyone with enough, or a lot of information, has power. Now, what KIND of information could this knowledge possibly be? Google is a powerhouse with one of the world’s largest database that stores in just about everything you need to know. Contrary to […]

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