Information Power

by khaledamin

Information power is basically a phrase that sums up the fact that anyone with enough, or a lot of information, has power. Now, what KIND of information could this knowledge possibly be? Google is a powerhouse with one of the world’s largest database that stores in just about everything you need to know. Contrary to popular belief, knowing EVERYTHING is not always good. Already, government requests for Google user information are growing on top of the many other requests google are receiving that require the exploitation of quite private information. According to CNN’s article, “The United States also has the highest success rate at getting Google to comply with its requests. The search giant turned over user information for 83% of the U.S. queries.” Should we be concerned? or be worried at all? I mean, I myself wouldn’t want people knowing my personal information… The problem today is that most of us use the internet, and all our actions online can be tracked with the click of a button. It isn’t really an issue that we think about everyday, but on the outset, we must always question the ethical intentions behind the collection of user information.
