Green is my favourite colour

by khaledamin

One of the biggest differences I have noticed in Canada in comparison to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where I spent the last 18 years of my life, is that everything here is Green. Not green in the sense that there are a lot of plants and trees, thats cool, but green in the sense that the whole nation, along with businesses, are all pitching in an effort to preserve the environment and promote sustainability. Self-sufficiency is a very important trait to have today because of limited resources. Businesses that promote recycling, such as coca-cola, are not only helping the environment, but also helping themselves! The perks of going green are that, despite relatively high costs in the short run, a business would cut down on so much waste and high costs over the years following its green initiative. In addition, this would mean that valuable replenish-able resources such as trees would gain more time to recover and regrow as more businesses begin to recycle. In addition, having a green image would further strengthen a firm’s reputation as it presents the organization as a clean and environmentally friendly producer. More countries should definitely start going green to benefit from all the advantages.