Review: “Apple: Brand Image > Innovation?”

by khaledamin

Safira raises a very good, and important point in her blog post “Apple: Brand Image > Innovation?”. The point she argues is that, nowadays, brand image, not innovation, would win a customer over. The example she uses is the iPhone5S and iPhone5C, both of which benefited from large amounts of sales, however, neither of which are truly different from the former iPhone5. On the other hand, Android devices have changed tremendously and meet innovation standards, yet they still lag behind the Apple giant. Why is this? Brand image. It seems that the brand image of a product (considering design and packaging) outweighs the notion that an innovated product would be a more successful product. This is perhaps true, because the reasons for which I bought my iPhone5 were not because it was more innovative than Android, in fact, I do believe Android is a much more useful product, however, the reason was that I liked the design and image of the iPhone5 more than its true relative value.
