First blog post!

We had a very comfortable introductory class during our first COMM 101 encounter. Both our teachers were very enthusiastic and interactive, they knew how to connect and engage with the students. They were very good at introducing the class to us and informing us about all the requirements and homework deadlines. A cool thing they also did was played good music during discussions or periods where they weren’t talking, which was a very effective way in helping us students transition into a cool and educational environment. It was also the first time we used our iClickers, and it was a pretty cool experience because I’ve never used an iClicker before. In addition, we learnt quite a lot and had discussions on short article readings we did at home concerning different issues such as government intervention in marketed products. On our second meeting with the TA, we also had another introductory class where we were introduced to one another as students, and also introduced to our TA who will be accompanying us throughout the first term. Our TA turned out to be a really cool and interesting assistant, as he also was able to familiarize the course to us and answer any queries we had. I am really excited for this course, not only because it requires no textbook or has no midterm/final exams, but because our supervisors are super cool and fun, and will make this term an interesting one!