Humor in Marketing

by Khalil Kassam ~ June 7th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

One of the best things about watching sporting events (Go Canucks Go), is the humorous commercials during intermissions and breaks. Of course this at times can become extremely controversial and can many of time times backfire on the company by creating a negative image. In order to be successful, humor has to be generally acceptable and safe to all types of audiences.

Check out this commercial that I found particularly interesting during the recent Canucks hockey games:

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To some, this commercial may be offensive, especially to a younger audience. However, given that their target audience is males in their late twenties and early thirties, this type of advertising is seen as humorous and has influenced many to move away from the typical CANADIAN beer during hockey games and try Alexander Keiths. I think in general, humor can be effective it works within the corporate image in an appropriate manner, while directly working with their target market.

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