NBA lockout slams small businesses


The recent NBA lockout broke not only the hearts of all basketball fans, but also the businesses around the arena; especially the ones around the Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, California. These businesses generate a huge portion of their income during the basketball season. A manager states that there would be customers coming in and out two hours before the game, and even after game depending on how the home team did. When a popular team such as the Lakers or the Heat visits, the restaurants around the arena are filled with fans. With the lockout now, restaurants and bars report that the staffing will be cut just because they won’t be as busy as they used to.

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Not only do employees at restaurants and bars receive minimum wages, arena employees also make lower wages due to the lockout. There are about 2000 unionized workers at NBA arenas that are affected. It is ironic that the issue erupted between the billionaires, the owners, and the millionaires, the players; while there are a lot of other people who really need the money.


The lockout definitely will hurt the businesses locating near the arenas. This causes a decrease in the profits of those around the arenas; therefore employers would either reduce the employees’ wages or lay off some of the employees. People in general are not spending as much as they used to. And all these might just lead to a slight economic recession; although not severe, but definitely damaging. No one knows when this will be all over, like the female manager in the video said “If the NFL can figure it out, I don’t know why the NBA can’t figure it out.”

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