More colleges charging $50,000 or more a year

More colleges charging $50,000 or more a year

Statistics have shown that colleges are raising their tuition fees one after another and year after year. There are more colleges with a total tuition fee of $50,000 or above this year than there were last year; and there were more last year than the year before. Among these expensive schools are the Ivy League schools and the liberal art colleges. On the other hand, a national average American worker receives about $42,000 a year. This means that the cost of going to a college now might even exceed the annual income of an average person.

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The increased college tuition fees would not only discourage students from going to colleges, but also encourages students to enter the workforce. People might re-evaluate the pros and cons of going to colleges and decide if it is worth the cost. In general, the increasing tuition fees isn’t a favorable trend. Once people stop attending colleges, the education level of the nation would decrease. And therefore, employers might not be able to find the right employees with the right skills. This contributes to the unemployment rate of the country.


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