A Valuable Experience

Was the marketing plan too much work? Possibly. But was it worth it? Definitely.

The business we chose: Research in Motion (RIM). Aka Blackberry. This was a great company to analyze, as people seem to believe that Blackberry is on the verge of an early funeral. However, it is not entirely the case. Contrary to popular belief, it was really interesting to learn that Blackberry is actually thriving in other areas of the world, specifically emerging markets and corporate environments. Moreover, it is really inspiring that Blackberry is a Canadian company, and was arguably at the pinnacle of the mobile phone market only a few years ago.

Going into the project, I wasn’t expecting to learn all too much. But oh how I was wrong. I learned a lot of relevant skills, such as,

  • Analyzing a company
  • Performing thorough research to learn about a company from the ground up
  • Video editing skills – Adobe Premiere and iMovie
  • Creating a marketing plan, and researching the different environments
  • The importance of being thorough and displaying the information in an appealing and easy to read manner

All of these skills I will be able to utilise moving forward and apply them to real life situations that I encounter.

Aside from the technical aspects of the project, it was a really fun overall experience. I got to meet some great people and had a good time filming some scenes for the video. I feel that our team came together as a group, which made it easy to work in a team and collaborate, and made it all the more worthwhile.