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The two most important qualities I need in a Lap Top are: 

1) Light in weight
2) Long battery life 

There are so many components to think about while choosing a lap top. Size, weight, memory, hard drive size, graphics design, optical drive, battery life, speed, operating system, RAM, display size, and more. You also have to consider what you will be using your lap top for, such as for school, or business, or for pleasure. You don’t really know what each has to offer unless you do some research. I didn’t really do much, except for asking a few friends and consulting with my family. 

After chatting with a few friends and researching online for the right laptop, I became aware that there were endless possibilities to which lap top would best suit me. There was MacBook Pro, Toshiba, and other Asus lap tops. All of them had great reviews and definitely lots of benefits, but as I narrowed my choices down, I realized I went straight back to my two most important qualities, light in weight and a long battery life. I will be using this lap top for school, hence those specific characteristics. 

The Asus UL30A is the perfect lap top for me because it has a 13.3 inch screen and weighs an astonishing 4lbs. This light, 13.3 inch lap top has an outstanding battery life of 10 hours while operating at full strength. It has a full size key board, 4GB of RAM, 500 GB hard drive, and came updated with Windows 7 Premium. With a competitive price, a little more than half the price of a MacBook Pro, I decided that the Asus UL30A was the one for me. Although, there is no optical drive, the positive qualities in this lap top outweigh the cons.   

Get your Asus UL30A Lap Top today! 

I also recommend the Asus UL20A — it has a 12.1 inch screen with pretty much the exact same qualities. Or the UL50 — it is also is the same, just with a 15.6 inch screen. 


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