Framing Issues Paper Prep
Framing Issues Paper Resources and Rationale
The issue I have selected is focused on the effectiveness of computer-based math instruction as applied to eLearning environments. The eLearning environments that I have viewed for Math instruction are primarily a textual experience with worksheets. I expect that an environment with interactive learning objects will result in more effective learning because it’s more engaging and allows for a simulated experiential learning that is comparable to the use of physical manipulative materials to make math more concrete and understandable. This topic was not one I explored in lessons one and two directly, but I do believe it is a worthy question to pursue.
I have chosen four articles as a result of my searches. I selected two articles from the ETEC 533 CiteULike group. Firstly, Bruce and Ross (2009) from the University of Toronto study the conditions for the effective use of interactive online learning objects in the learning of fractions. Four grade seven to ten classes were interviewed and observed, and then one student from each class was selected because of their difficulty with fractions. They experienced a sequence of tasks in CLIPS (set of five fraction activities developed by programmers), and then demonstrated their learning to determine if those resources are useful for addressing students’ misconceptions about fractions. Secondly, Michael (2001) studies the effect of a computer simulation activity on product creativity as opposed to physical hands-on activities. He discusses his findings regarding improvements to software design that move beyond drill and practice to “multidimensional educational programs” (para. 1). He relates creativity to problem solving which is key to STEM learning—the ability to define problems and determine, implement, redesign, and interpret solutions. Next, from Academic Search Complete, Technology-Based Math Curriculums by Hubbard (2000) is a case study of the incorporation of Cognitive Tutors in a hands-on learning experience where the program “tracks a student’s learning style and pinpoints flaws in reasoning.” Finally, from a UBC journal search, Cavanagh and Mitchelmore (2011) more generally focused on how to best teach secondary math using an online learning system created for Australian students; however, it is comparable to the KhanAcademy materials available. The design of the environment is a significant factor in the effectiveness of the learning, and interactive learning objects that track and judge progress are more motivational than drill and practice models and result in deeper learning.
Bruce, C. D. & Ross, J. (2009). Conditions for Effective Use of Interactive On-line Learning Objects: The case of a fractions computer-based learning sequence.Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, [online serial: ], 3(1). CiteULike: 10293579.
Cavanagh, M., & Mitchelmore, M. (2011). Learning to teach secondary mathematics using an online learning system. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 23(4), pp. 417-435. Retrieved January 24, 2014, through UBC Library, from DOI: 10.1007/s13394-011-0024-1.
Hubbart, L. (2000). Technology-Based Math Curriculums. T H E Journal, 28(3). Retrieved January 23, 2014, through UBC Library Academic Search Complete, from
OMIT – Michael, K. Y. (2001). The Effect of a Computer Simulation Activity versus a Hands-on Activity on Product Creativity in Technology Education. Edited by J. Laporte. Journal of Technology Education, 13(1). CiteULike: 373675. Retrieved January 23, 2014, from
Instructor Feedback:
Hello Kimberly,
I like your focus on one of the STEM subjects, math, and that it is relevant to your personal practice. To show a thread then, you will need to locate some aspect of L1-L2 (it could be the video with Heather, or one of the readings and discussions with your peers or other discussion threads-even if you are not involved in these discussions). In reading the issue and the resources, it seems as though “e-learning” will be broadly defined to encompass onlin LOs, cognitive tutors, simulations and video-based materials. In your rationale, you should supply your reasoning for drawing conclusions based on an analysis of these 4 environments.
Hope this all helps,
January 29th, 2014 – After delving deeper into my articles, I have decided to not use the Michael (2001) article on computer simulations as it strays from my main focus of online teaching environments to improve math teaching to computer simulations developing creativity. I plan to review the articles listed in my initial search for one of greater connection or find a new one.
My reasoning for drawing together the online Cognitive Tutor and the online Learning Environment is their construction and purposes are similar. Both are designed for students to engage in math learning in a hands on format with the main focus being on problem solving and placing math within real life contexts.
Finally, I do need to think more about how my issue fits within an aspect discussed in L1/L2. Here are a few ideas:
- Teachers are expected to select and use meaningful technology but there is limited time and expertise on the subject. Well designed online learning environments (OLEs) for math could relieve pressure on teachers to find, assess, and learn, especially if they are designed to minimize student difficulties and teacher’s preparation time.
- Technology is often incorporated into the classroom to support familiar teaching methods, like transmission teaching, so a well designed OLE can be constructed to be hands-on and promote student collaboration. The teacher can have an experiential teaching experience to become familiar with a new, effective method of teaching.
- Student misconceptions in math, for instance algebra, that stem from the inability to understand the representative nature of algebraic formulas can be dispelled through connecting it to real-life concrete situations.
February 7, 2014 – Between my last update and this one I was writing the paper. During that time, I went back through the discussion threads and thought about how my issues fits. I made specific notes to use in my paper. Then I completed the writing. During the process, I had a Skype chat with a peer to discuss our papers. Our discussion helped me to identify that I needed to anaylze the research processes of the studies I had chosen.
Assignment Submission
Media Credit:
imagerymajestic. (2012). Girls Showing Framing Gesture Stock Photo. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from