
Ideas shared in the discussion forums that I would like to possibly use to teach Math and Science.

Flipped Classroom – I am familiar with the concept but I have not tried it because my current students would not come prepared with the ‘homework’ done. They want to be taught traditionally, but honestly, they don’t really know any other way. Jennelle Kresak (2014) made some good suggestions in her Unpacking Assumptions posting “Flipped Classrooms 2 Ways – Which is Better?” to make this approach more meaningful by not using traditional drill and practice to follow the pre-teaching. For example, student could work in small groups with access to a tablet or laptop, and they post questions to a blog and the class completes those questions as practice. Those questions should not be a simply computation but focus more on why–a problem solving approach.



Kresak, J. (2014, Jan 16). Flipped Classrooms 2 Ways – Which is Better?”  Unpacking Assumptions. 2013W2-ETEC533-65A Discussion Forum.

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Vuono, Salvatore. (2010).  Community Stock Image. Retrieved January 18, 2014, from

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