Target targets Canada and misses.

In certain aspects, Canada and America aren’t that different. Both countries drive on the same road, speak the same language, and has a Starbucks located every other block. Target naively thought their success in Canada would also be similar. To their surprise, the results were more than disappointing.

At first, even I was thrilled to hear about Target’s new stores. More variety, better prices and a trusted brand were thoughts that immediately popped into my head. Somehow, these thoughts did not drive me to purchase their products over my regular local stores. Shortly after their opening, everyone new Target was not as good as it is down south. Eventually, I did not think twice about Target, nor did I stop and question why the stores weren’t as successful.

Reading this article has me anxiously waiting for Target’s results in the next couple of years. Will they ever become as big as they are in America? Hopefully Target makes a Canadian comeback with their sales percentage. Appealing to mothers, as Hansen mentioned, is definitely the leading factor. Mothers buy the groceries, the toys, the school supplies and the presents. Once Target reals them in, their sales should sky rocket. Keep an eye out for Target as they have a new goal – or, dare I say, a new target in mind.


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