Abercrombie Refuses Job Position to Religious Applicant

How far would Abercrombie & Fitch go to maintain their appearance? They would go far enough to turn away a viable candidate purely based on their religious appearance.


A hijab or a headscarf is not just a statement piece or a captivating accessory – it’s a religious custom. My first concern after this article and video regards whether Abercrombie has the right to base a potential employee off their appearance. Of course presentation and first impressions are vital to any interview, but for Abercrombie managers to rate each candidate on an appearance scale causes me to re-think the ethics of this company.
The case regarding Samantha Elauf would have a different light if the mention of her headscarf were mentioned during the interview – but it was not. In my opinion, Samantha has no fault in this case. There is no reason why Samantha’s “interview appearance score” should be lowered based on an item of clothing representing her religion. This is clearly a case of religious discrimination.BLACK_FLOWER_HIJAB

For the sake of argument, imagine a match making company, hiring for potential marketing directors and other employees. Would this company turn away a perfectly capable applicant solely based on the fact that they wear a wedding ring? Their target market is trying to appeal of those who are single and looking to meet new people, and this married applicant is not in that category. Is this a fair case? Neither is Samantha Elauf’s.

Abercrombie should not force their employees to let go of their “religious accommodations” because of the company’s appearance guidelines. No one should face punishment for his or her religious beliefs.

Original Article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/02/abercrombie-supreme-court_n_5923698.html

Picture taken from: http://whatstrending.com/news/13664-abercrombie-and-fitch-gets-rid-of-their-logo-cha

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