Government tries to accommodate B.C. First Nations

Tsilhqot’in, a BC First Nations group, has begun to declare and set aside land as a Tribal Park. As the premier, Christy Clark, and John Rustad, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, seems to be on board with this topic. However, there arise a variety of pros and cons. On the bright side, this land will produce security to environmental issues in the area. This includes a protected area for soon-to-be endangered wildlife. Another benefit includes more employment opportunities for the First Nations. However, this attempt has already been tried, and has quickly failed. Minister Shirley Bond stated, “Almost 50 per cent of the (aboriginals) in British Columbia are under the age of 25, so (First Nations) are a significant component in terms of our workforce of the future” (B.C. Liberals). This was stated in 2011, and no action of such has succeeded. Although more jobs may be promised, the government does not ensure it. More jobs can be possible, however, if employment rate in B.C. continues to rank “the province with the second-worst job numbers in Canada,” there are no guarantees (B.C. Liberals). In my opinion, although this idea appears promising for the Aboriginals, this may not be the saving solution to the lack of working Aboriginals and improving their overall way of life. It is possible, but with the government, there are no guarantees.

Work Cited:

B.C. Liberals add First Nations to jobs plan. (n.d.). B.C. Liberals add First Nations to jobs plan. Retrieved October 7, 2014, from

Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2014, from

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