What You See is What You Get?

–understanding everyday marketing

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Create with Crayola

April 15th, 2010 by Kim Nguyen


   Quite recently while cleaning my room I stumbled upon an old box of crayons. I looked at this box face down, but immediately knew that it was a Crayola crayon box. Why? It had the undeniably familiar design of green and yellow that every child growing up on North America would know well. Besides being the 18th most recognized scent  amongst American adults, Crayola has also established a strong hold on its image that no other can really compare.

So what is it that makes Crayola such a household name and a market of its own? The branding of this product in many ways can  be called impeccable. The consistent look of the box and its colours has been a key feature in keeping this product timeless, yet its ability to create more colours and adapt to the sensitivity of the changing culture has been the other factor in keeping this brand modern as well. Because Crayola has been able to maintain that fresh green and yellow look that resonates with every generation, no other competitor can intervene and create another line that can quite capture the same amount of loyalty cultivated from childhood sentiments and creativity.


The brilliant branding and marketing might be the explanation to Crayola’s massive success, but, to me, those crayons were brilliant because they were my building blocks of learning that possessed a splash of lively colour that made me want to come back for more.

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