What You See is What You Get?

–understanding everyday marketing

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Tweeting Connections

October 29th, 2010 by Kim Nguyen

Suffering through a brutal cold this past week, I felt that it was necessary for me to share my woes through my tweets. After doing so, Negar’s Blog , my friend who is also taking introduction to marketing replies with a thoughtful reply and a recommendation for some Cold FX. I read the tweet with a smile and then a coughing fit.

After 15 minutes of receiving her tweet, I get another tweet that linked both my name and Negar’s. Turns out Cold FX somehow picked up on their name and thanked Negar for suggesting them to me. As a token of their appreciation, Cold FX provided her with a link for a four dollar coupon on their product.

This was the original tweet:What a great way to pick up on potential consumers and offering them a reward because they mentioned your company. Negar didn’t know if she typed the name correctly. I was more interested in finding out how they even located the tweet when none of us mentioned it formally through the tweeting method of placing @ in front of the name. Fifteen minutes to locate us is pretty good in my opinion. Perhaps if I mentioned Coach next time that I will receive some sort of perk as well…

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