What You See is What You Get?

–understanding everyday marketing

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Socola-Two Sisters’ Endeavour

December 1st, 2010 by Kim Nguyen

I loved the post that Kristen Woo made about the bakery that specialized in making bridal themed cookies! She originally found out about the bakery from another classmate’s post, My Le. The intricate designs made me think of this of just more than an ordinary cookie. It was art! They were colourful, delectable, and almost too cute to eat.

I find that there are not enough companies out there to fill the niche of personified treats such as this bakery. I can imagine how difficult it might be to make the venture sustainable since the consumers are likely to be people who will place an order for a particular event and then never return. That doesn’t seem to be a challenge for Susan Lieu, COO of a little chocolate shop called Socola.

Aside from this being a success story reflecting the hard work of two educated sisters who are looking to express their passion for chocolate making, this is a great example of a small company capitalizing on their strongest marketing tactic- personal selling.

For a shop so little, a great deal of tourists and locals are pretty familiar with their work because of Susan’s and Wendy’s charismatic personality. One can feel them exude excitement and passion about their product, believe in their creations, and on top of that, their drive to accomplish ambitious goals are very refreshing to their patrons and new customers.

What a great way to personalize every interaction with customers and also “rub off” some positive energy to them.

These delightful drops of chocolates are infused with the best of the Western and East Asian ingredients including something as different as chocolate truffles and guava. So much attention to detail is evident through their packaging down to each design on the individual pieces of chocolate. Each of the pieces of chocolate have their stamped mascot on it, an alpaca. Looking at them make me feel as though I can reach through the screen to have a taste. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to go all the way down to San Fransisco to enjoy this experience.

I love the fact that there is a story behind this petite shop and not only that, their chocolates are of substance and filled with a great deal of love and passion. Bravo, Socola! I hope they continue to grow and spread their craft to more people. Visit them at their site and perhaps you’d like to make an order yourself.

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