What You See is What You Get?

–understanding everyday marketing

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The Might of a Tweet

February 12th, 2010 by Kim Nguyen

  I tweet around 3-4 times a day just because I want to update my followers  to what I am doing. It’s not that exciting and sometimes it’s as mundane as what I am eating. If I knew that  it was going to help me line up jobs, I might just start tweeting something intellectual.

An idea so absurd might just be the next primary job hiring process. One interesting tweet equals one new job? For Hal Thomas, it was the perfect opportunity to honed his tweeting skills and score himself a job with BFG Communications, a marketing company. He utilized the 140 characters to say something short and sweet, to include a link to a mock magazine cover of himself and another link to his blog. So a hint of wit, a snapshot of some graphics, and a whole lot of personality was what made Thomas stand out from all the other tweets. This was his tweet:

@BFGCom @SloaneKelley It seems that BFG’s future could be looking bright! http://twitpic.com/ggkrf More info at http://bit.ly/2aziWg.



I’m familiar with social media shamelessly promoting fast food chains to raising awareness about aids, but am I ready to accept the fact that something so meticulous like hiring a new member to a team can be accomplished in fewer words than it takes me to order a coffee? I guess the world has taken so many short cuts that this shouldn’t have been seen as that big of a shock. BFG Communications should almost be commended for being so clever using this new tactic in hiring employees. They’ve gotten exposure from trying this new method, and have helped twitter get a little bit more interesting. Such clever execution, but then after all, they are a marketing company…

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